Thursday, November 10, 2005

Big Ideas Today

Please add your comments or Big Ideas for the day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Group 3 would like to say:
Use podcasting for ELL and homebound
Use Gizmos with all students, but especially with ESL/Bil.
1 to 1 computing/24-7 computing
Producing authentic student products
Staff development is a must

1:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Group 5 would like to share:

The complete package includes learning services.

That it is time to free-up classrooms and put technology where it belongs.

Paradigm shift for teachers to learn how students use technology already.

1:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Group 4
We were exposed to a multitude of new ideas that we hope we can remember when we get back home. Before today I would not have known what a blogger would be but now I am a Blogger. We also created audio file for a podcast. We need to open our horizons and minds and be more creative in the classsroom to meet the needs of our students including areas in foreign languages, ESL students, and throughout the curriculum. Today has helped me to ensure in my district that the door remains open to new ideas and the opportunities that allow these new ideas to be presented and available to students. We need to encourage a culture of risk-taking so teachers will feel free to use these new ideas alnd resources. Today's presentation has been a great example of keeping the learner engaged which has prevented boredom in the classroom. The food didn't hurt, either.

2:03 PM

Blogger Craig said...

Table 2:

We have a long way to go. Exciting to see what is there but know there is a lot of work to do. We have to change the Industrial model of high school to continue moving forward.

The role of the teacher is extremely important as technology innovators.

Overcoming the shortcuts of IM, etc. is a challange.

The idea of Podcasting information from superintendents and princals to get information to parents is great. It is a new way to share more information.

Staff development and student development it develop basic skillls first is key.

Class blogs to celebrating with parents outside school shows a great way to share information and increase parent excitement and involvement.

We learned some great new websites as tools for adding to classroom instruction.

Making sure there is a balance between curriculum, staff development and technology.

The discussion on laptop programs was helpful. That is a great area to study for the impact on student learning. It was great to hear how it had gone for a few people. The Apple Team has proven to be helpful and responsive.

2:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Group 1: For journalism, yearbooks, etc., the use of podcasting would be very useful. Good infomation on how technology can improve student/teacher morale, attendance, and performance. Computers can engage students in ways that traditional learning cannot. Professional development is an enormous piece that must be implemented before taking on such a task. Districts must be into the details to avoid issues that might come. Vision for what you want and how you will know that you are achieving it. We can see the shift that will need to occur in the role of the IT department. Suggestion: we need a common vocabulary sheet of the new terms that kids know today.

2:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Group 5

Wireless mobil lab:

Challenges - funding, scheduling, classroom management

Opportunity - easier to bring the lab to the classroom than the classroom to the lab, more open to collaboration

2:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Innovative stratigies for teaching:
Challenges: Focus on constructivist learning model first before giving teachers the technology tools.
Opportunities: Once teachers get "it" then using the technology will come easily.

2:11 PM

Blogger Craig said...

Group 2:

Our one big idea:

Challenges: attitude for teachers to change from the traditional based strategies. Training parents to know where to access the information anfd how to utilize the information. Testing not being congruent.

Opportunities: administrative improved communication. Kids are motivated. Innovative and hip with the kids. Great way to send work home with kids. Great way to promote your school.

2:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Group 3s biggest idea is staff development:
Challenges - when can it be done to maximize classroom time, funding, older teachers reluctant

Opportunities - ellumination, on-line staff development

2:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Professional development
-knowing your vision and where you are going with what you are trying to implement.
-giving teachers yet one more thing they have to learn, use, and upkeep
-finding the time to do the staff development
-stream line instruction
-pilot the technology
-train the trainer for every campus
-buying serrvice

2:16 PM

Blogger Craig said...

Apple Team -

thank you for the invite. It was nice to be here with you. I look forward to further work at SCS and how you guys can help us expand our technology options for our students.

9:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had so much fun learning from each of you yesterday. Frances and I continued our learning while driving home by discussing all the new things we learned and heard while we were with you. :-)

I thought you might like to try this activity found at this website.

Also, Maria, I'm meeting with my staff today. I had asked them to read an article that I wanted us to discuss. I decided to use the Poem site to have them summarize what they read. Thanks for the inspiration.

-Jennifer B

4:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The presentations have opened my eyes to technology that has left me behind. I am excited. Thanks Fredda

6:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just blogging to prove I can. Thank you Apple folks for an informative, enjoyable three days. I will go home with a lot to consider and 10 lbs. to lose. Again, thanks.

7:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been an exciting two days. I've energizing and exciting about the new things I'ved learned.

Mary Z

7:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for being interested in helping us thing through the application of techonology to what we are doing in the classrooms and beyond with our students. I do appreciate your parent company putting us up, but particularly each individual who spent time with us to impart your knowledge and expereince to stretch us (me) into directions we (I) might not have considered. the food was awesome, and I am looking forward to the interactive projects this morning. thanks Matt Cooper for getting me here. Rusty Sugg

7:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the invite, Apple Gang. The training has been wonderful in every way. Sometimes we just need to have our educational "soul" restored. I feel much better now. I'm off to change the world in my little corner of public ed. Good luck to one and all!


8:05 AM


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