Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Horseshoe Bay Leadership Institute

Welcome to the Horseshoe Bay Leadership Institute Blog. Please check back frequently to post your thoughts concerning the topics discussed throughout the coming days. We encourage you to continue to use this space to share your future discoveries with the colleagues you have meet here at the leadership institute.


Blogger Wesley Fryer said...

This is a great idea Maria, I look forward to the dialog! I helped setup something similar at the eLearn2005 conference in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago. We setup a research interests blog to help attendees network and find others with shared agendas.

It would be great to use this blog to have attendees post comments and share perceptions about particular questions that are going to be addressed in the conference. Great use of technology for teaching and learning! :-)

10:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Group 1: For journalism, yearbooks, etc., the use of podcasting would be very useful. Good infomation on how technology can improve student/teacher morale, attendance, and performance. Computers can engage students in ways that traditional learning cannot. Professional development is an enormous piece that must be implemented before taking on such a task. Districts must be into the details to avoid issues that might come. Vision for what you want and how you will know that you are achieving it. We can see the shift that will need to occur in the role of the IT department. Suggestion: we need a common vocabulary sheet of the new terms that kids know today.

2:03 PM


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